5 things I learnt doing Zip Line

It’s an experience to try and the trill your experience can never be described in words. How similar is it to our daily life and what we can learn from this enthralling experience.

1. It’s faster than you expect: While on the wire, even before you realise you are on the other side. Believe it or not the same applies to our life. It moves fast and if you don’t move with it, you’ll be left behind.

2. Just let go and enjoy it: Sometimes we hold on to our life so dearly that we never get to enjoy the moments we need to enjoy. Sometimes it’s good to let go and enjoy the experience.

3. Feel the moment: If you don’t feel those few seconds when your on the line. You will never get those moments again. If you don’t feel your present moments, you’ll never have them again.

4. You get to see the world from top: We get so busy with life around us that we hardly get time to look at the world from a different perspective. Sometimes it’s nice to be on “top of the world” and admire the beauty, even if its just for few seconds.

5. You need to trust the ropes: Just the way we need to trust the ropes while we are up there. Like wise we need to trust the process when we are doing something different.

May you enjoy your life and live every moment, It’s good to start somewhere, then why not now!

Written by Paul Fernandes

Photo by Joseph Pearson

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