

Paul Fernandes.

Significance of the colours used in the logo:


Blue: PEACE.

Vision of Imagination Breathing: “To Inspire Lives”.
What we Believe: “Your insight may be just what someone else needs to have a breakthrough”.

A bit about the founder.

Paul Fernandes is from Goa, creator of Imagination Breathing, a site which has been viewed in over 104 countries. 

If you have any article or poetry (original content/written by you only) which will be a positive support to someone else and be of help to “inspire lives”, then send it over with your name,photo and place to paulib005@gmail.com.Thank You.

Best Wishes

Paul Fernandes.


Imagination Breathing.. (Inspiring Lives).

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the content on this blog without express and written permission from this blog’s author – Paul Fernandes (that is Me) and/or owner (that again is Me) is strictly prohibited. Excerpts, links, images may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Imagination Breathing.com with appropriate and specific redirection to this website.

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Paul your writeup about yourself and what you wish to do has helped me to see the uniqueness in you. And it’s good to know that you are changing your wishes into facts.


  2. Dear Paul,
    Glad to see that you are contributing to the betterment of humanity.
    Sometime back i was looking for someone to give the Tech teachers, sorry, instructors a pep talk. Are you in a position to do this?? All expense paid.
    All the best

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear Paul,
    I was finally able to open this page and read most of the articles. I am glad that you created this site. I’m sure that everyone who read the articles shared so generously by you and these young people have been inspired as I have. All the best and keep up the good work.



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